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Texas Early Music Project

PO Box 301675

Austin, TX 78703

(512) 377-6961

For ticket and concert venue inquiries, email the Box Office


PO Box 301675
Austin, TX 78703
United States

(512) 377-6961

Founded in 1987 by Daniel Johnson, the Texas Early Music Project is dedicated to preserving and advancing the art of Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and early Classical music through performance, recordings, and educational outreach. 

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Explore more than 700 years of musical transformation

Filtering by Category: TEMP CDs

Strange days have found us...

Danny Johnson

Remember the good old days? The big question was, “Now, is it the night to set out the recycling or the night to set out the trash?”. I used to chuckle at myself for even having to think about it, but now we are mindful of absolutely everything we do.

We are also mindful of what we can’t do and what we really want to do: We want to gather together, rehearse, and present concerts for you (and for ourselves—we wouldn’t present the music if we didn’t love it!). As I mentioned in the previous blog from March, we were preparing to present music by a composer (Machaut) who was seminal in my "career path” before plans were derailed.

Our current plans, subject to change by the ever-fluid situation, include extending our 2019-2020 season for several months so that we can more safely gather to present the two postponed concerts: Ah, Sweet Lady: Passion in Medieval France, previously scheduled for March, and The Student Becomes the Master: Monteverdi & Cavalli in Venice, previously scheduled for May, We will let you know as soon as we have more details and we will, of course, honor purchased tickets at our rescheduled concerts. If we are not able to safely include audiences, we will come up with other plans, including live-streaming or videotaping the concerts.

There are many wonderful writers who have waxed eloquently about the human situation during these strange days, so I know I don’t even have to attempt to do the same other than to hope for your continuing health and safety.

In the meantime, I hope you are able to catch our Tuesday Musical Tacos. We’re trying to offer a variety of “flavors” so we can appeal to every palate! For additional audio samples, please visit our Recordings page and enjoy past videos on our Gallery page.

All the best,

Sign up for a free audio “taco” every Tuesday!

Sign up for a free audio “taco” every Tuesday!

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December needs another week!

Danny Johnson

Xmas 2019 Blog.png

So that we can all go to all the concerts we want to go to, perform in all the concerts we want to / need to, and still have a little time for, oh, I don’t know, maybe shopping/eating/visiting and the occasional nap! I know I’ve seen this idea proposed on other forums but no one seems to do anything about it. C’mon! Someone do something!

Because, as it turns out, we have our very own Christmas concert(s). NEXT WEEK. Three days in a row. So I’m too busy and having too much fun to start the 5-week-December campaign.

An Early Christmas is, by all accounts, one of our favorite concerts, because we cover so much territory, historically speaking, that we change the parameters of what early music is and even what Christmas music can be, and yet still tug at the heartstrings. So join us next week. And then, maybe after the New Year, get into gear with the 5-week-December campaign.

Read the full program description and listen to audio teasers below. 

See ya! It’s multilicious!

Tickets for Saturday and Sunday's concerts are selling fast. Guarantee your seat by purchasing your tickets in advance. There is still plenty of room on Friday!



Friday, December 13, 2019, at  7:30 pm
St. John's United Methodist, 2140 Allandale Road
Saturday, December 14, 2019, at 
 7:30 pm
First English Lutheran Church, 3001 Whitis Avenue
Sunday, December 15, 2019, 3:00 pm

St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, 8134 Mesa Drive

Admission $30 general; $25 seniors (60+); $5 students (at the door only)
Tickets available in advance online or by cash, check, or credit card at the door.

Take advantage of preferred seating and other perks by sponsoring a concert!

For more information, call 512-377-6961 and leave a message,
or email

Join Texas Early Music Project for its annual multilicious feast of Christmas music through the ages. Different cultures across the centuries have celebrated this season of expectation and rebirth, and we are contributing our share with medieval chant and joyous English and French carols, magnificent motets for 8 parts from Italy and France, and lively Celtic songs, dulcet Dutch carols, exuberant folk-tunes, and more.

Enjoy these audio teasers from our most recent CD, In dulci jubilo: Early Music of the Season:

Enjoy more selections from Gaudete: An Early Christmas, Swete was the Songe, Noël: An Early Christmas and Stella splendens: An Early Music Christmas.

Brett Barnes, Cayla CardiffJeffrey Jones-RagonaDavid LopezJenny HoughtonGil Zilkha, and Jenifer Thyssen are featured soloists, and acclaimed harpist Therese Honey, countertenor Ryland Angel, and Karelian chromatic kantele player Viktoria Nizhnik are featured as special guests.

Join Texas Early Music Project for a splendid and enriching evening of music. Encompassing 700 years of festive creativity and beauty, this music is sure to delight your ears and warm your heart. And you can use our new word, multilicious!

Click on the image above to buy tickets now!

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It's May, it's M..... August, the Pretty Darned Hot Month of August

Danny Johnson

Speaking of hot…


And so, like all reasonable people, we are taking it easy, looking forward to the cooler season before we get busy! Ha. Not really. The “reasonable” part should have given it away. We are preparing for our season opener in September: “Oh Henry! The World of Purcell” (more on that in the next post) AND we’re also preparing for a special event during the same week as the Purcell concert! We are excited to announce a special FREE concert at UT on Sept. 18, from 3pm–5pm, in Bates Recital Hall. We’ve had the good fortune to collaborate with the renowned Sephardic music specialist, Dr. Edwin Seroussi, who will give a brief talk and then members of TEMP will perform, including Jenifer Thyssen, Cayla Cardiff, Gil Zilkha, harpist Therese Honey, and more. Enjoy these audio teasers from our La Rosa and Night & Day CDs and read the details below about this exciting event. Y’all come!

Hope you had a more reasonable summer! More soon!


Click on the poster image to download! Please see the parking info below the poster.

Parking Information for Sephardic Songs

Parking is, unfortunately, not free, but the San Jacinto Parking Garage is right across the street from the Music building. The map below shows the location of the parking garage and Bates Recital Hall. Park in the garage and walk across the street. Enter the doors to MRH. Go straight through the hallway to the very end and you’ll see the big staircase leading to the entrance of Bates Recital Hall. See you there!

Parking Map for Bates.png

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Well, you know what they say:

Danny Johnson

There’s cauld Kail in Aberdeen


I reckon that’s a good thing. Maybe it’s a less good thing. Anyway, it’s a fun song that Jeffrey Jones-Ragona will be singing in our upcoming Celtic Fancies concert (see details below). There are lots of fun pieces, ne’er you fear, to balance out the sad love songs, the happy love songs, the longing love songs, the. . .well, you get the idea. Some of the most romantic songs express love for specific places in Scotland, like The Birks of Invermay, The Braes o’ Ballochmyle, Etrick Banks and, of course, The Broom of Cowdenknows. . .well, there’s quite of variety of aspects of love mixed in that one song alone.

Peter Walker (NY) will be featured on a variety of Scottish smallpipes—think of them as chamber bagpipes, ‘saft and sweet’—and will be featured, along with Cayla Cardiff and Ryland Angel, in the Game of Thrones portion of the concert, based on an historical event in 1630: murder, deception, revenge. Frennet Hall. Amazing! And you don’t need HBO to catch it! Jenifer Thyssen sings a few of Robert Burns’ best poems, Jenny Houghton sings The Broom, David Lopez will warm your heart with his rendition of The Birks…, and all 5 guys (Jeffrey, David, Peter, Ryland, and Danny) will make you laugh with The Pleugh Song, an amazing, epic, 16th-century advertisement for. . .wait for it. . .plows!

Click on the CD images below to listen to more audio teasers!

Besides Peter Walker on pipes, we will feature always-amazing Peter Maund on percussion, Therese Honey and Elaine Barber on harps, and our Ballad Band (see below) with reels, strathspeys, and more! “We are a band compleatly fitted to be joyly!”

“We’ll please ourselves with mutual Charms, as we did lang syne.” Ok, yes, it’s an earlier Auld lang syne than the one that we all sing without really knowing…

Join us! It’ll be wonder bonny!

Celtic Fancies: Music From Ireland & Scotland, c. 1500–1800

Saturday, February 16, 2019, at 
 7:30 pm
St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, 8134 Mesa Drive
Sunday, February 17, 2019, 3:00 pm

First Presbyterian Church, 8001 Mesa Drive, Austin, TX

Admission $30 general; $25 seniors (60+); $5 students (at the door only)
Tickets available in advance online or by cash, check, or credit card at the door.

Take advantage of preferred seating and other perks by sponsoring a concert!

For more information, call 512-377-6961 and leave a message,
or email

Celtic music is very popular, beautiful, and exciting in the 21st century. But what was it like in earlier periods, 200-500 years ago? Well, it was popular, beautiful, and exciting! Even the English held the Scottish ballads in high esteem and our own Ben Franklin adored these songs and considered them the height of great art. TEMP enjoys presenting this repertoire because of its musical challenges and rewards and because of its musical link to another time and place—one that is still vibrantly alive in many ways.

TEMP’s featured singers for the ballads are Jenifer Thyssen, Cayla Cardiff, Jenny Houghton, Jeffrey Jones-Ragona, and David Lopez, as well as frequent guest singers from New York, Peter Walker and Ryland Angel. Peter Walker will also play a variety of evocative Scottish smallpipes and reelpipes, and will join the TEMP “ballad band” for several exhilarating dances. Harpist Therese Honey will perform traditional music from Ireland and will be joined by guest artists Peter Maund (percussion) and TEMP core players Marcus McGuff (flute), Elaine Barber (harp), Bruce Colson & Stephanie Raby (violin), John Walters (mandolin), Scott Horton (lutes and guitar), and Carolyn Hagler (cello).

Join us for an exhilarating / heartbreaking / knee-slapping funny /
bonny sweet concert.
I guess I could’ve just said it has lots of variety!

Click on the image above to buy tickets now!

Click on the image above to buy tickets now!

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Éirinn Go Brách, Y'all!

Danny Johnson


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  Check out the pretty unusual Irish selections on our Celtic Trinity and Celtic Knot CDs! And of course, after St Patrick's Day, you can listen to the Scottish and Breton music as well, completely guiltlessly!

Most TEMP CDs are $21 USD and include free shipping within the U.S. Shipping charges will apply to international orders.

Have a wee listen to a couple of audio samples below. Click on the  CD images to hear more and to purchase CDs!


May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light.
May good luck pursue you each morning and night!

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I See Green People!

Danny Johnson


Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  Check out the pretty unusual Irish selections on our Celtic Trinity and Celtic Knot CDs! And of course, after St Patrick's Day, you can listen to the Scottish and Breton music as well, completely guiltlessly!

All TEMP CDs are $20 USD and include free shipping within the U.S. Shipping charges will apply to international orders.

Have a wee listen to a couple of audio samples below. Click on the  CD images to hear more and to purchase CDs!


May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light.
May good luck pursue you each morning and night!

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