Become a Tempster!
Instead of season subscriptions, this “special” year we are offering a bundle of on-line events and performances in our TEMPster membership program.
For only $50 to join, TEMPster members will receive:
Our online concerts: Our perennial favorite December concert, An Early Christmas, and our May concert, Tales from the Decameron, including special pre-concert Zoom chats with Artistic Director Daniel Johnson and performers (available to TEMPster members only);
Six episodes of Night Music!: Gitanjali Mathur and guests perform beautiful and calming lullabies spanning cultures and musical traditions across the world;
Fresh Take: Meredith Ruduski and Sara Schneider squish 500 years of music history into a light-hearted program of musical snippets and engaging banter reviewing the evolution of music style and performance across the centuries; AND
Blab and SWAG: Special emails highlighting TEMP performers and their music, plus TEMP 2020-2021 Season Special Wonderful Awesome Gifts!
A TEMPster membership at only $50 is the perfect (virtual) stocking stuffer to give to friends and family this holiday season, so get them today before the first event of our season launch on Sunday, December 6, 2020!
Memberships are only $50 PER PERSON for the entire 2020-2021 season!
Purchase your membership below to become a founding TEMPster!
Select the number of TEMPster Memberships, then click or tap on the ADD TO CART button. Then, please provide the name(s) of each member in the pop-up window and click or tap on ADD TO CART again. The membership(s) will be saved to the Shopping Cart. You may continue shopping or click on the Shopping Cart button in the top right of your screen to purchase your membership(s). (On mobile devices, the Shopping Cart button may appear at the bottom of your screen.)
Garden of Delights: A Musical Bounty
All events for the 2020-2021 Season will be virtual concerts. Single tickets for each event will also be available for purchase on the 2020-2021 Season page.