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Texas Early Music Project

PO Box 301675

Austin, TX 78703

(512) 377-6961

For ticket and concert venue inquiries, email the Box Office


PO Box 301675
Austin, TX 78703
United States

(512) 377-6961

Founded in 1987 by Daniel Johnson, the Texas Early Music Project is dedicated to preserving and advancing the art of Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and early Classical music through performance, recordings, and educational outreach. 

Cayla Cardiff

Cayla Cardiff, mezzo-soprano & percussion

Cayla started singing and poking at the piano at age two, and has been singing and poking at piano keys ever since. She earned some music degrees at UT Austin and then taught music while singing at several churches in the area including University Presbyterian, the Church at Highland Park, St. Louis King of France Catholic Church in Austin, St. Mary Catholic Church in Taylor, and is currently at Saint Mary Catholic Cathedral in Austin. After being taken in by Danny Johnson she began to focus on early music, and since has performed with the Texas Early Music Project, Istanpitta, Panoramic Voices, Inversion, La Follia, Austin Cantorum, and Tinsel. Cayla lives in Taylor where she dabbles in home improvement, civic duty, gardening, and spoiling her two wiener dogs Iggy and Ollie.